Život. Kim Philby se narodil v Indii v roce 1912 pod jménem Harold Adrian Russell Philby jako syn Harryho St. Johna Philbyho, důstojníka britské armády, diplomata a orientalisty, který byl státním úředníkem v Mezopotámii a později poradcem krále Ibn Sa'uda v Saúdské Arábii.


Kim Philby was a British intelligence officer, who became notorious in Great Thomas Philby, Harry George Philby, John David Philby, Josephine F. Philby, 

Jourdain/M. Jourdan/M. Jove/M Kim/M. Kimball/M. Kimbell/M. Kimberlee/M.

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St. John Philby molded his son in his own image, sending him to Westminster, where, Kim reported that he learned "to bugger and be buggered." From Westminster, Kim Philby followed in his father's footsteps to Trinity College, Cam­ bridge, in 1929. It was at Cambridge that Kim Philby first came into con­ tact with Guy Francis de Moncey Burgess. Known as ‘Kim’ to his friends, Philby secretly defected to the USSR from his home in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1963. He is widely considered history’s most successful double spy. While working as a senior member of British intelligence, he spied on behalf of the Soviet NKVD and KGB from the early 1930s until his defection. THE daughter of Kim Philby, the MI6 agent who spied for the Soviet Union, has broken her silence to describe the admiration she feels for her father, 50 years since he defected to Moscow in one of 2020-12-30 · Kim Philby: new revelations about spy emerge in secret files.

2013-01-24 · Known as ‘Kim’ to his friends, Philby secretly defected to the USSR from his home in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1963. He is widely considered history’s most successful double spy. While working as a senior member of British intelligence, he spied on behalf of the Soviet NKVD and KGB from the early 1930s until his defection.

Kim Philby, właśc.Harold Adrian Russell Philby (ur.1 stycznia 1912 w Ambala, zm. 11 maja 1988 w Moskwie) – pracownik tajnych służb brytyjskich (MI6 – SOE), szpieg INO NKWD, jeden z członków tzw.

Kimball/M. Kimbell/M.

Kieron Williamson (1); Kim Basinger (1); Kim DotCom (1); Kim Kardashian (2); Kim Peek (1); Kim Philby (1); Kim Wall (2); Kim Wilde (2); Kina 

aastal asus Kim Philby õppima Cambridge’i Trinity College’isse, mille ta lõpetas 1933. aastal. 16 Apr 2018 She flirted with other men and had affairs. Kim Philby with partner Melinda Maclean (who later returned to her husband and fellow spy. 18 Feb 2021 Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby or H.A.R. Philby (en:OBE: 1946-1965), (1 January 1912 – 11 May 1988) was a high-ranking member of  A Storyville documentary about the circumstances behind the escape of notorious British spy Kim Philby, who defected to Moscow in 1963 from under the nose  22 Oct 2020 Josephine F. Philby.

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In 1940, Guy Burgess, a Soviet double agent, recruited Philby into MI6. By 1945, Philby was head of counterespionage I n February 1987, the novelist Graham Greene met the Soviet spy Kim Philby for dinner. The latter had been the former’s supervisor and friend at MI6 30 years earlier, but by the time they met Kim Philby defected to the Soviet Union.4 Kim Philby was born into the British ruling class as the son of a British Arabist and intelligence officer, who was well-versed in the language of betrayal and double-dealing. He followed in his father’s elite school-ing at Westminster, Trinity College, and Cambridge, but found it altogether uninspiring. A Splinter of Ice imagines the conversation Graham Greene and his former MI6 colleague, the double agent Kim Philby, might have had when, in 1987, they met for the first time in 30 years. A quarter of a century since Kim Philby's death, his enigma still haunts scores of people who have struggled to understand whether Philby was a hero or a tra Kim Philby: A timeline 1912 Harold Adrian Russell 'Kim' Philby is born on 1 January in Amballa, India, the son of Dora and St John. 1925 Attends Westminster School in London.
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1 ianuarie 1912 - d. 11 mai 1988 ) a fost un agent dublu britanic , înalt funcționar al Secret Intelligence Service ( MI6 ), care a spionat pentru NKVD și KGB . The photos you provided may be used to improve Bing image processing services. Philby, Kim, 1912-1988. (författare) My silent war : [the autobiography of a spy] / Kim Philby ; introduction by Phillip Knightley ; foreword by Graham Greene.

THE daughter of Kim Philby, the MI6 agent who spied for the Soviet Union, has broken her silence to describe the admiration she feels for her father, 50 years since he defected to Moscow in one of Josephine Philby, Self: The Spy Who Went Into the Cold In fact, Kim Philby was the real ex-Pfc.
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Pris: 219 kr. inbunden, 2014. Skickas senast imorgon. Köp boken En spion bland vänner : Kim Philby - dubbelagent, förrädare och gåta av Ben Macintyre (ISBN 9789187391439) hos Adlibris.

Välj mellan premium Kim Philby av högsta kvalitet. Kim Philby was a famous British spy and Soviet double agent, who was born on January 1, 1912.As a person born on this date, Kim Philby is listed in our database as the 123rd most popular celebrity for the day (January 1) and the 103rd most popular for the year (1912). Philby, Kim ALTERNATIVNAMEN Philby, Harold Adrian Russell (wirklicher Name) KURZBESCHREIBUNG britischer Doppelagent GEBURTSDATUM 1. Januar 1912 GEBURTSORT Ambala, Indien STERBEDATUM 11.

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Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby (n.1 ianuarie 1912 - d. 11 mai 1988) a fost un agent dublu britanic, înalt funcționar al Secret Intelligence Service (), care a spionat pentru NKVD și KGB.. În 1963 s-a descoperit, că Kim Philby este membrul unui cerc de spioni, cunoscuți azi ca Grupul din Cambridge (Cambridge Five sau Magnificent Five: Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt și

Kim T van Arragon.