1 apr. 2021 — talkshow måndag till torsdag med Louise Epstein och Thomas Nordegren. Ansvarig utgivare: Katarina Dahlgren Svanevik. Radio Sweden på 


19 feb. 2015 — På bilden Catherine och Niklas, som är engagerad styrelseledamot i Human Rights Watch. HRW. Även Raoul Wallenbergs halvsyster Nina 

Stockholms län, Sweden. Development & Outreach Intern São Paulo, Senior Researcher on the Rights of Older People Multiple Locations Human Rights Watch exposes human rights abuses like torture, violence against women, and child exploitation. In order to maintain our independence, we accept no money from any government. We rely solely on the generosity of people like you to defend human rights. Human Rights Sweden har åtagit sig att stå upp för mänskliga rättigheter.

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In order to maintain our independence, we accept no money from any government. We rely solely on the generosity of people like you to defend human rights. Human rights are violated around the world with worrying regularity, including in these regions. Freedom of expression, of the press and of information is often protected in the countries' constitutions, but purported threats against national security or from terrorism are often used to legitimise restrictions to these and other freedoms, as well as to arbitrarily detain peaceful protesters.


Human Rights Watch har ett godkänt 90-konto. Du kan ge en gåva till Human Rights Watch Sverige genom att sätta in pengar direkt på vårt 90-konto (90 04 54-0) eller via Swish (9004540).

The authorities have arbitrarily detained and beaten journalists, imposed fines and prison sentences on politically motivated charges, revoked their media credenti Human Rights Watch etablerade sig i Sverige 2015 för att stärka sitt påverkansarbete i viktiga människorättfrågor både nationell och internationellt. Kontoret för en dialog med svenska beslutsfattare inom både regering och olika samhällssektorer som en del av påverkansarbetet. Human Rights Watch Sverige välkomnar de uppdrag som institutionen föreslås ha och vill särskilt betona vikten av en årlig rapport (avsnitt 4.4) och uppdraget att främja information och ökad medvetenhet (avsnitt 4.3). Uppgiften att främja information och ökad medvetenheten är av särskilt stor Human Rights Watch Sverige skulle gärna ha sett ett tydligare perspektiv att HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH SVERIGE Birger Jarlsgatan 57c 113 56 Stockholm Tel: +46 730-70 08 48 Email: sweden@hrw.org www.hrw.org/sweden 90-account: 90 04 54-0 Kenneth Roth, Executive Director Deputy Executive Directors Development and Global Initiatives Nicholas Dawes, Media Sweden’s human rights policy is based on international standards set out by the UN in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) – together forming the International Bill of Human Rights.

Human Rights Watch Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden. 2,408 likes · 103 talking about this · 7 were here. 2015, the Swedish Office was formed to support Human Rights Watch and its mission through

The purpose of CEDAW is to abolish all forms of discrimination against women and to achieve full human freedoms and rights for women on equal terms with men. CEDAW is a framework document with 16 main articles promoting women’s rights in areas such as education, work, health and their own bodies. 2010-02-06 To guide systematic human rights issues in investment activities, Swedfund has introduced a process to identify, mitigate and account for negative impacts on human rights. The ambition is to apply this approach when reaching decisions concerning new investments, during the value-adding phase and in connection with companies in the exit phase. The study of human rights typically focuses on the theory of human rights, as well as human rights treaties and law. Essentially, human rights can study developing cultural guidelines and practices to ensure the humane treatment of all people.

Human rights watch sweden

Human Rights Watch kräver nu att Europa och USA inför lagar som förbjuder internetföretag som verkar i Kina att censurera sitt innehåll eller spara information​  SWEDISH BANKS' INVESTMENTS IN CONTROVERSIAL ARMS TRADE 16 Human Rights Watch, April 25,2016: “Canada Ignoring a Commitment to Human​  uppgav Human Rights Watch HRW att libyska rebellstyrkor är ansvariga för plundring, mordbrand och övergrepp på civila under sin framryckning mot Tripoli. Seeking Refuge: Unaccompanied Children in Sweden.
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Human rights watch sweden

They are however also active in Asia, the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe. The activities of Civil Rights Defenders include the […] Human rights in Sweden are largely protected in their Constitution and ratified international law. The three Constitutional acts concerning human rights are Chapter 2 of the Instrument of Government, Regeringsformen, the Freedom of the Press Act, Tryckfrihetsförordningen (1949) and Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen (1991). Government’s goal to ensure full respect for Sweden’s international human rights commitments serves as a point of departure for the Government’s national work. In this Communication the Government sets out the direction of work on human rights, democracy and the principles of the rule of law in foreign policy.

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Human Rights Watch Sverige välkomnar de uppdrag som institutionen föreslås ha och vill särskilt betona vikten av en årlig rapport (avsnitt 4.4) och uppdraget att främja information och ökad medvetenhet (avsnitt 4.3).

But in order to keep things civil, we have some rules. 6 okt. 2020 — Barn och vuxna kedjas fast i överfulla institutioner och i hem i 60 utpekade länder​, enligt en ny rapport från Human Rights Watch.

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den digitala tidsåldern som modererades av Europachefen på Human Rights Watch, Lotte Leicht. I panelen deltog Raša Nedeljkov, programdirektör på CRTA,​  13 nov. 2018 — verksamt, exempel Human Rights Watch och Amnesty International. Kontakta Business Sweden om ni har generella frågor om hållbarhet  11 aug. 2017 — The students have interpreted the human right and decorated the inside of the cube. Watch the videos here.