Carl Johan Calleman visar hur Mayakalendern kan vara ett andligt redskap som ger oss en större förståelse för medvetandets utveckling genom historien. Boken ger oss också konkreta råd om vilka steg vi kan ta för att sätta oss själva i samklang med en medveten livshållning.


Boksläpp i höst: I boken Vårt Intelligenta Universum erbjuder Carl Johan Calleman en teori som alternativ till vetenskapens dominerande tanke 

He lives in Sweden. Carl Calleman. 1,883 likes · 6 talking about this. I am an author of several books dealing with ancient civilizations, especially the Mayan, and what modern people can learn from this. 2 quotes from Carl Johan Calleman: 'While twentieth-century physicists were not able to identify any convincing mathematical constants underlying the fine structure, partly because such thinking has normally not been encouraged, a revolutionary suggestion was recently made by the Czech physicist Raji Heyrovska, who deduced that the fine structure constant, really is defined by the [golden Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, Ph. D., a humble but brilliant medical scientist and author from Sweden, may have unlocked one of the single, greatest secrets of our times.

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While as young his main interests were in the humanities and history, the first phase of his scientific career was training and practice as a natural scientist in the years 1974-93. He got his Ph.D in Physical Biology under the mentorship of a member of the Nobel Committees and have later also written a number of widely cited articles Share your videos with friends, family, and the world 2011-06-15 Carl Johan Calleman erbjuder här en revolutionerande teori som alternativ till slumpmässigheten som dominerar dagens vetenskap - den första fullständiga teorin om biologisk evolution på 150 år. Carl Johan Calleman is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Carl Johan Calleman and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share … Carl Calleman earned his Ph.D. in Physical Biology from the University of Stockholm, where he was mentored by a Nobel Committee member.

He began his studies on the Mayan calendar in 1979 and now lectures throughout the world. ― Carl Johan Calleman, The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life tags: fine-structure-constant , golden-ratio , history-of-mathematics , history-of-science , physicists , universe Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, Ph. D., a humble but brilliant medical scientist and author from Sweden, may have unlocked one of the single, greatest secrets of our times.

Carl Johan Calleman Ph.D the Mayan calendar and quantum theory expert shares the power of the 9th Wave of consciousness to Unity.

Tio av de 36 sidorna utgörs av grundinformation om Mayakalendern och Tzolkinräkningen. Forsberg, Karin (red.) / Calleman, Carl Johan (form) / Forsberg, Karin (form) / Calleman, Carl Johan (foto) / Forsberg, Karin (foto) / Sand, Malin (foto) Illustratör/Fotograf Mimmi Danielsson, Daniel Danielsson, Carl Johan Calleman Dimensioner 297 x 210 x 4 mm Vikt 160 g SAB Mqct ISBN 9789197847957 Source: Carl Johan Calleman – Quantum Science of PsychedelicsAired Wednesday July 19, 2014 – Archives/Pod Casts Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 Hour 1: Carl Johan Calleman. Joining Amerika Now during the first hour is noted scientist and philosopher Carl Johan Calleman to discuss the first book in his Paradigm Shift Trilogy, The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization: A Novel Theory of Our Origins.

CARL JOHAN CALLEMAN holds a Ph.D. in physical biology and has served as an expert on cancer for the World Health Organization. He began his studies on the Mayan calendar in 1979 and now lectures throughout the world. He is also author of Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar. He lives in Sweden.

Comets Honda and Elenin fulfill Mayan, Hopi and Christian #1. Comets Honda and  Fil.dr. Carl Johan Calleman beskriver i sin nya bok ”Quantum Science of Psychedelics” utifrån mayakulturens filosofi hur nio skapelse- eller  Carl Johan Calleman visar hur Mayakalendern kan vara ett andligt redskap som ger oss en större förståelse för medvetandets utveckling genom historien. Calleman, Carl Johan. MAYA-HYPOTESEN. nbo120655.

Carl johan calleman

in Biology from the University of Stockholm. A former senior researcher of environmental health at the University of Washington in Seattle, and an expert on chemical carcinogens for the World Health Organization, he is recognized as a world authority on the Mayan Calendar. Carl Johan Calleman. December 4 at 10:43 AM. Join me (Dr Carl Calleman) and internationally recognized spiritual teacher and best selling author Patricia Albere for a special 2 hour, free New Year’s Day ev ent titled HEAVEN ON EARTHan idea whose time has come. About Carl I was born in Stockholm, Sweden at noon May 15, 1950, which in the Sacred Calendar corresponds to the day 5 Jaguar.
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Carl johan calleman

| Adlibris Carl Calleman. 1,884 likes · 9 talking about this. I am an author of several books dealing with ancient civilizations, especially the Mayan, and what modern people can learn from this.

Reveals the Mayan calendar to be a spiritual device that describes the evolution of human consciousness from ancient times  Kjøp bøker av Carl Johan Calleman. Innbundet Svensk 2010.
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Carl johan calleman, (born 15 may 1950, stockholm, sweden), is a toxicologist as well as an author and speaker on the millenarian new age interpretation of the 

Prohlédněte si aktuální nabídku. Jan 8, 2015 - Mayan Calendar : The Pyramid of Consciousness by Carl Johan Calleman | Ready For The Shift. The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life: Calleman PH D, Carl Johan:  2015-jan-08 - Mayan Calendar : The Pyramid of Consciousness by Carl Johan Calleman | Ready For The Shift.

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Introducing Macrocosmic Quantum Theory The most encompassing scientific theory of the 21st Century. What is Macrocosmic Quantum Theory?Read a short overview The Mayan Connection (Coming soon) Exploring the Ninth WaveExplore the influence of the Ninth Wave on your life, and be part of a project to develop a coherent description of its effect on human consciousness.

Carl Johan Calleman holds a Ph.D. in Physical Biology and has served as an expert on chemical carcinogens for the World Health Organization.