”Upsalite är ett amorft magnesiumkarbonat. Materialet är mycket poröst och kan suga upp fukt, lipider och odörer vilket öppnar upp för många användningsområden”, säger Maria Strømme, professor i nanoteknologi och medgrundare av Disruptive Materials.
A lot of research is currently being performed at Uppsala University and the company Disruptive Materials to improve the properties of Upsalite® and find new applications for the material. Another promising application of Upsalite® is fo
To assess the ability of different mineral makeup ingredients to instantly reduce unwanted shine, the skin of human volunteers was measured using a glossymeter. Disruptive Materials fick rivstarten som andra bara drömmer om. För ett år sedan var företaget inte ens grundat. I dag är produktionen i gång och tio kunder utvärderar rekordmaterialet Upsalite. Disruptive Materials Follow Disruptive Materials Upsalite® can provide controlled drug release rate Press release • Jun 22, 2015 12:28 CEST Företaget Disruptive Materials, som bygger på forskningsupptäckten av det nya materialet Upsalite vid Ångströmlaboratoriet, vann årets Sverigefinal av Venture Cup. En genomtänkt affärsplan för ett material med världsunik förmåga att absorbera fukt belönades med sammanlagt 250 000 kr i landets ledande entreprenörstävling. Upsalite® in national smart materials initiative TerraClean for removal of environmentally harmful substances from air, water and soil - Disruptive Materials awarded a 4 year grant from MISTRA. Together with KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Uppsala University, Disruptive Materials is formed together with Mattias Karls to commercialize Upsalite (1 employee) 2014.
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Disruptive Materials October 5, 2020 · Upsalite® outperforms other color cosmetic ingredients. To assess the ability of different mineral makeup ingredients to instantly reduce unwanted shine, the skin of human volunteers was measured using a glossymeter. Disruptive Materials fick rivstarten som andra bara drömmer om. För ett år sedan var företaget inte ens grundat. I dag är produktionen i gång och tio kunder utvärderar rekordmaterialet Upsalite. Disruptive Materials Follow Disruptive Materials Upsalite® can provide controlled drug release rate Press release • Jun 22, 2015 12:28 CEST Företaget Disruptive Materials, som bygger på forskningsupptäckten av det nya materialet Upsalite vid Ångströmlaboratoriet, vann årets Sverigefinal av Venture Cup. En genomtänkt affärsplan för ett material med världsunik förmåga att absorbera fukt belönades med sammanlagt 250 000 kr i landets ledande entreprenörstävling. Upsalite® in national smart materials initiative TerraClean for removal of environmentally harmful substances from air, water and soil - Disruptive Materials awarded a 4 year grant from MISTRA.
Our trademark Upsalite … From its location in-between Uppsala University, Swedish Medical Products Agency and Uppsala University Hospital, Disruptive Materials AB is well positioned to exploit its groundbreaking discovery of Upsalite®, a unique mesoporous magnesium carbonate with the highest surface area ever measured for an alkaline earth metal carbonate and a pore structure that can be precisely tailored in a an efficient … 2018-03-21 2021-02-10 2015-06-16 Efter en tid i skuggan är Uppsalabolaget Disruptive materials och supermaterialet Upsalite på väg ut i uppmärksamheten igen. Nu lanseras de första produkterna på marknaden. 9 mars 2018 06:00 Upsalite® by Disruptive Materials provides instant and long‐lasting mattifying effect when applied on human skin without drying or irritating skin and exhibits no measured flashback effect.
Disruptive Materials, Uppsala, Sweden. 467 likes · 7 talking about this · 13 were here. We are a spin-out from the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University . We specialize in new advanced materials
Several hundred articles was published across the globe the first day, and several hundred people and companies has requested samples to test the material in various applications. Our trademark Upsalite ® now has over Disruptive Materials flyttade i vintras till egna lokaler och söker riskkapital för att skala upp produktionen. Samtidigt vidareutvecklas materialet för att kunna användas på ännu fler områden. Upsalite är en icke-kristallin form av magnesiumkarbonat, MgCO3.
Lantbruksuniversitet och företaget Disruptive Materials, som utvecklar det superabsorberande materialet Upsalite. Ämnet till kandidatarbetet
Novax invests in the Swedish material technology company Disruptive Materials, which has developed the remarkable and unique material Upsalite®. Disruptive Materials was founded in 2013 by Professor Maria Strømme, two people from her research team, and Mattias Karls. Disruptive Materials AB | 1 058 följare på LinkedIn. Disruptive Materials is a spin-out from the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University. We specialize in new advanced materials with extraordinary properties paired with great market potential. The initial focus is on commercializing the world record material Upsalite(R). Företaget Disruptive Materials AB (www.disruptivematerials.com) äger rättigheterna att kommersialisera materialet Upsalite®.Företaget ägs av grundarna tillsammans med holdingbolaget Uppsala Disruptive Materials, Uppsala, Sweden.
From its location in-between Uppsala University, Swedish Medical Products Agency and Uppsala University Hospital, Disruptive Materials AB is well positioned to exploit its groundbreaking discovery of Upsalite®, a unique mesoporous magnesium carbonate with the highest surface area ever measured for an alkaline earth metal carbonate and a pore structure that can be precisely tailored in a an efficient and environmentally friendly manufacturing process. It all begins with Sports grade Upsalite®, a mesoporous magnesium carbonate, and first-class formulations tested by professional athletes. Moisture is absorbed on the surface and since Upsalite® is anhydrous, highly porous and has an extraordinary high surface area it can absorb 10 times more moisture than regular magnesium carbonate. Upsalite® (INCI: Magnesium Carbonate) is a patented material from Sweden and with an extraordinary high surface area
Now that you know the science behind chalk and friction control from yesterday’s video, it’s time to learn more about the science behind Upsalite®, a mesopor
From its location in-between Uppsala University, Swedish Medical Products Agency and Uppsala University Hospital, Disruptive Materials AB is well positioned to exploit its groundbreaking discovery of Upsalite®, a unique mesoporous magnesium carbonate with the highest surface area ever measured for an alkaline earth metal carbonate and a pore structure that can be precisely tailored in a an efficient and environmentally friendly manufacturing process. Upsalite® by Disruptive Materials provides instant and long‐lasting mattifying effect when applied on human skin without drying or irritating skin and exhibits no measured flashback effect. It has good sensory, visual and translucent characteristics.
Eva erlandsson berg
Upptäckten som tekniken. Upsalite är ett puder som är uppbyggd kring magnesiumkarbonat istället professor i nanoteknologi och medgrundare av Disruptive Materials.
E. INCI Name: Magnesium Carbonate. E.
Disruptive Materials is currently commercializing Upsalite®, a mesoporous magnesium carbonate, into the beauty industry through color cosmetic applications. The material speaks to the ingredient-savvy consumers that want to learn more about their products, demand performance and safe ingredients.
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Now that you know the science behind chalk and friction control from yesterday’s video, it’s time to learn more about the science behind Upsalite®, a mesopor
Bolaget bildades som en avknoppning från Uppsala universitet efter att forskarteamet upptäckt ett helt nytt material med Företaget Disruptive Materials AB (www.disruptivematerials.com) ägs av grundarna tillsammans med holdingbolaget Uppsala universitet. Ytterligare information, bilder och data om Upsalite Upsalite® är en extremt porös magnesiumkarbonat med en ytarea kring 800 kvadratmeter per gram material.
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Upsalite is a newly discovered form of magnesium carbonate (MgCO₃) with incredibly interesting properties, most notably Since its 2013 discovery, a company 'Disruptive Materials' have already gone into production commercially
Ändå har företaget fått närmare 3000 förfrågningar från kunder som vill testa rekordmaterialet. Kunder vill utvärdera rekordmaterialet Upsalite för alla möjliga tillämpni Fouriertransform ger pris till Disruptive för dess revolutionerande nya material Upsalite®. 2015-04-16. Som partner till 33-listan över ”Sveriges 33 hetaste unga teknikföretag” ger Fouriertransform Disruptive Materials ”Årets diamant” och 20 Dec 2019 Novax is investing in Disruptive Materials, the Swedish materials technology company behind the and unique material known as Upsalite®.