"Hubris" av Oren Ambarchi · CD (Compact Disc). På engelsk. Genre: Industrial. Releasedatum 28/10-2016. Väger 45 g. · imusic.se.


"Hubris" av Oren Ambarchi · CD (Compact Disc). På engelsk. Genre: Industrial. Releasedatum 28/10-2016. Väger 45 g. · imusic.se.

SHARE. 2016.10.04 09:15. Ricardo Villalobos  Editions Mego présente "Hubris" la nouvelle ouvre d'Oren Ambarchi. Enregistré avec une multitude de collaborateurs dont Mark Fell, Jim O'Rour Ke, Ricardo  Part 1.

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3 comments. Fis - Speech Spirits. Post a comment. Oren Ambarchi - Stacte Karaoke. 11 comments.


Hubris, an Album by Oren Ambarchi. Released 11 November 2016 on Mego (catalog no. EMEGO 227; Vinyl LP). Genres: Experimental Rock, Krautrock, Progressive Electronic. Rated #473 in the best albums of 2016. Featured peformers: Oren Ambarchi (guitar, voice), Mark Fell (recording engineer), Jörg Hiller (recording engineer), Ricardo Villalobos (recording engineer), Jim O'Rourke (recording engineer

Where the original version consisted of layers of palm-muted guitar work stacked on top of each other to create a pulsing, minimalist rhythm, here Villalobos does what he does best and turns it into a slow burn, groove-locked piece of dance music. Nelle molteplici influenze che Oren Ambarchi ha mostrato negli anni, mai come in "Hubris" appare chiara la vicinanza ai musicisti prossimi al post-minimalismo, tra cui John Adams (per chi non lo sapesse, il compositore vivente più eseguito al mondo) e - in particolare - il collettivo Bang On A Can, formato dai compositori David Lang, Michael Gordon e Julia Wolfe (moglie di Gordon); collettivo "Hubris continues the exploration of relentless, driving rhythms heard on Oren Ambarchi's Sagittarian Domain (EMEGO 144CD/LP, 2012) and Quixotism (EMEGO 202CD/LP, 2014).

Hubris Parts 1-3. Players: Oren Ambarchi, Crys Cole, Mark Fell, Will Guthrie, Arto Lindsay, Jim O'Rourke, Konrad Sprenger, Joe Talia, Ricardo Villalobos, Keith Fullerton Whitman. Mastered & cut by Rashad Becker at D&M, Berlin, April 2016. Photography by Estelle Hanania Sculptures by Daniel Druet Design by Stephen O'Malley

His solo works are hesitant and tense, with his music existing in the cracks between modern electronics and processing; improvisation and minimalism; hushed, pensive songwriting; and Oren Ambarchi - Hubris. Published. 29 Nov 2016. Words. Lisa Blanning. 『Hubris』で彼と手を組んだのはこれまでで最もエレクトロニック Hubris Oren Ambarchi Alternative · 2016 Preview SONG TIME Hubris, Pt. 3. 3.

Oren ambarchi hubris

We’re dedicated, relentless, keeping the pulse steady. It’s going to take a lot of time and a lot of hard work, but we’re going to make it count. This beat is relentless, and it will carry on. It drives us to work hard 14 Nov 2016.
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Oren ambarchi hubris

d'explorations de rythmes spectaculaires Sagittarian Domain (2012), Quixotism (2014) et Hubris (2016), Simian Angel est le nouvel album d'Oren Ambarchi. 2012), Quixotism (EMEGO 202CD/LP, 2014), and Hubris (EMEGO 227CD/LP, 2016) - Simian Angel finds Oren Ambarchi renewing his focus on his singular  Finally got around to the new album, and if the title is self-referential, he can afford some hubris. Fantastic record. ;). Åtgärder.

Albums include Grapes From the Estate, Hubris,  2017年2月11日 灰野敬二やJim O'Rourkeらとの作品も話題のオーストラリアの現代音楽家/ ギタリストのOren AmbarchiによるBlack Truffleレーベルから、自身  OREN AMBARCHI / Hubris (CD). 大推薦!オーストラリアのOREN AMBARCHIの 新作アルバム。アート・リンゼイ、ジム・オルーク、マーク・フェルなど豪華  Ricardo VillalobosがOren Ambarchiの『Hubris』をリミックス.
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Hubris Variation: Amazon.se: Music. Villalobos, Ricardo / Ambarchi, Oren. Hubris Variation. Hubris Variation. Tillbaka. Dubbeltryck för att zooma. Format Vinyl.

Fis - Speech Spirits. Post a comment. Oren Ambarchi - Stacte Karaoke. 11 comments.

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His latest solo release is Hubris and features an astonishing cast of players including Crys Cole, Mark Fell, Arto Lindsay, Jim O'Rourke, Keith Fullerton Whitman 

Oren Ambarchi · Song · 2016. Oren Ambarchi continues his otherworldly investigations with "In The Pendulum's Embrace", a dark twin to his landmark 2004 album "Grapes from the Estate" [Touch # TO:61]. Returning again to the hallowed halls of BJB Studios in Sydney, Ambarchi expands the scope and range of his unique musical language, incorporating an even broader pallette of instruments and sensibilities. On "Hubris Pt. 1," Ambarchi sets out an arpeggiated guitar circle which fills in as a benchmark for his colleagues to play off and the track's 22-minute runtime gives an adequate canvas. As per Ambarchi, the creation was roused by New Wave and disco—especially Wang Chung's soundtrack to the 1985 thriller To Live and Die in L.A.— however its sound and structure owe much to the patient 2016-10-30 · Oren Ambarchi’s last album, Quixotism (2014) was a suite in five parts with diverse elements, including an array of bowed sounds and glints of Feldman-esque piano, all tightly wedded to a sleekit pulse of digital minimalism, compelling enough to override the sense that John Tilbury’s piano and some of the other ingredients may be little more than classy garnish.